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The Joytones Similar Artists
Unique Blend
Pat Powdrill
Johnny Wyatt
Barbara Redd
Claude Huey
Dimas III
The Lovelites
Clifford Curry
The Fuller Brothers
The Superbs
The Montclairs
Timothy Wilson
Ronnie Walker
The Radiants
The Blossoms
Candy & the Kisses
The Charmaines
Bertha Tillman
Doris Wilson
The Van Dykes
The Casualeers
Walter Jackson
Deon Jackson
Rita & The Tiaras
The Royalettes
April Young
The Showmen
The Parliaments
George McGregor
J.J. Jackson
Johnny Caswell
Chris Bartley
Reparata & The Delrons
Tony Clarke
The Tempos
Soul Brothers Six
The Delicates
The Majestics
The Fantastic Four
The Spyres
Garland Green
Bob Kuban and the In‐Men
Theola Kilgore
Ruby Andrews
The Sweet Things
The Formations
Epitome of Sound
Johnny Johnson & The Bandwagon
Lou Ragland
Joy Lovejoy
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