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The Joytones Similar Artists
Clydie King
Bobbi Lynn
Tony Middleton
Alexander Patton
Chuck Wood
The Determinations
Lynne Randell
The Jades
The Astors
Unnatural Funk Band
Cindy Scott
The Incredibles
The Vibrations
The Spellbinders
Sunny & the Sunliners
Shirley & The Shirelles
The Admirations
Dana Valery
Jackie Ross
J.J. Barnes
Jimmy Radcliffe
Fred Hughes
Herb Ward
The Millionaires
The Soul Survivors
Willie Tee
Earl Van Dyke & The Motown Brass
Billy Prophet
The Precisions
Gino Washington
Timmy Willis
Lorraine Chandler
Roddie Joy
Bob Verwilst
The Jelly Beans
Lorraine Silver
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