Past Groove Metal Events in Sulingen
Reload Festival 2024, Day 2: Heist Plazastage
SOiL, Born of Osiris, Zeal & Ardor, Dead Poet Society, thrown, VUKOVI, Butcher Babies, Gutalax, Anchors & Hearts
Heist Plazastage in Sulingen, Niedersachsen, Germany
Fri, 16 Aug 2024
— 09:30
Reload Festival 2023, Day 3: EMP Stage
Sepultura, Guano Apes, Beartooth, Powerwolf, While She Sleeps, Knocked Loose, Terror, J.B.O., Ektomorf, Imminence, 100 Kilo Herz, HeadGear
EMP Stage in Sulingen, Niedersachsen, Germany
Sat, 19 Aug 2023
— 09:00
Reload Festival 2023, Day 1: Heist Plazastage
Pennywise, Blind Channel, Cockney Rejects, Orbit Culture, Callejon, Gatecreeper, Grailknights, Planlos, Slope, The Scratch
Heist Plazastage in Sulingen, Niedersachsen, Germany
Thu, 17 Aug 2023
— 13:00