Past Indie Pop Events in Niedersachsen
See Also
M’era Luna Festival 2012
Placebo, KMFDM, In Extremo, Eisbrecher, Faun, Fields of the Nephilim, New Model Army, De/Vision, Megaherz, Subway to Sally, Suicide Commando, Schandmaul, Hocico, Lacrimas Profundere, Diary of Dreams, Letzte Instanz, In Strict Confidence, Rotersand, Leæther Strip, Noisuf-X, Welle: Erdball, Faderhead, Amduscia, Eklipse, Rabia Sorda, Down Below, The Beauty of Gemina, Absolute Body Control, Lahannya, Jäger 90, Les Jupes, Noyce™, Officers, The Juggernauts, Heimatærde
Airport Hildesheim in Hildesheim, Niedersachsen, Germany
Sat, 11 Aug 2012