Past Cyberpunk Events in Niedersachsen
See Also
M’era Luna Festival 2010
Placebo, Editors, The Sisters of Mercy, Eluveitie, Skinny Puppy, The 69 Eyes, Combichrist, In Extremo, Laibach, Unheilig, Nitzer Ebb, Saltatio Mortis, Lacrimas Profundere, Angelspit, Hanzel und Gretyl, Das Ich, QNTAL, Lord of the Lost, Faith and the Muse, Rotersand, Feindflug, Brendan Perry, Colony 5, Stolen Babies, Illuminate, Agonoize, Samsas Traum, Zeraphine, Amduscia, The Other, Expatriate, Ignis Fatuu, Rabenschrey, Unzucht, Punish Yourself, Ambassador21, Sons of Seasons
Airport Hildesheim in Hildesheim, Niedersachsen, Germany
Sat, 07 Aug 2010