Past Blackened Death Metal Events in Leipzig
See Also
9. Wave‐Gotik‐Treffen 2000
Alphaville, Anathema, Dark Tranquillity, Christian Death, Clan of Xymox, Entombed, And One, Apoptygma Berzerk, Death in June, Enslaved, Borknagar, Crematory, Corvus Corax, Graveworm, Diary of Dreams, Funker Vogt, Das Ich, Flowing Tears, Feindflug, Agathodaimon, Dargaard, Eisregen, Absurd Minds, Dark Age, Darkwell, Decoded Feedback, Diorama, Disillusion, EverEve, Dive, Architect, Eisheilig, Asrai, Die Verbannten Kinder Evas, Deutsch Nepal, Dew‐Scented, Disbelief, Backworld, E-Craft, Dreadful Shadows, Ah Cama-Sotz, Burden of Grief, Allerseelen, Garden of Delight, Converter, Cyborg Attack, Dance or Die, Dorn, Fading Colours, Ain Soph, Dark at Dawn, Gaë Bolg, Endraum, Bakterielle Infektion, Contagious Orgasm, Catastrophe Ballet, The Dust of Basement, Arcana Obscura, Advocatus Diaboli, Deep Red, Dies Natalis, Cell Division, Celluloïd Mata, Glampire, Condition One, Dies Ater, Die Schnitter, Crack Up, Grief of Emerald, Edenfeld, Burning Gates, Gardens of Gehenna, Crucifix Nocturnal Christians, Aeox, D’Arcadia, Cryptic Carnage, Despairation, Asterius, The Crack of Doom, Aurum Nostrum, Amortis, Annabelle’s Garden, Cadra Ash