Past Dance Events in Hildesheim
See Also
M’era Luna Festival 2009
The Prodigy, Nightwish, Apocalyptica, IAMX, Oomph!, The Birthday Massacre, Tiamat, Deathstars, Blutengel, Die Apokalyptischen Reiter, De/Vision, Zeromancer, Subway to Sally, The Crüxshadows, Krypteria, Letzte Instanz, Ashbury Heights, Jesus on Extasy, Welle: Erdball, Faderhead, Zeraphine, [:SITD:], Schelmish, Spetsnaz, Frozen Plasma, Peter Heppner, Scream Silence, Untoten, No More, Tyske Ludder, Star Industry, Lola Angst, Whispers in the Shadow, Heimatærde, L’Âme Immortelle, Leichtmatrose
Airport Hildesheim in Hildesheim, Niedersachsen, Germany
Sat, 08 Aug 2009
M’era Luna Festival 2006
Within Temptation, Bauhaus, Epica, The Birthday Massacre, Clan of Xymox, Tristania, Deathstars, In Extremo, Front Line Assembly, Unheilig, Blutengel, Nitzer Ebb, Dope Stars Inc., Die Krupps, Funker Vogt, Letzte Instanz, Gothminister, Midnattsol, Sono, In Strict Confidence, Rotersand, Liv Kristine, Northern Lite, Terminal Choice, Samsas Traum, Solitary Experiments, Spetsnaz, Girls Under Glass, Soman, XPQ-21, Regicide, Lluther
Airport Hildesheim in Hildesheim, Niedersachsen, Germany
Sat, 12 Aug 2006