Past Shoegaze Events in Canada
See Also
Pop Montreal 2007: Other Performers
Chairlift, Ensemble, Sweet Thing, Canon Blue, The Golden Dogs, Smalltown DJs, Valleys, The Whitsundays, Holy Hail, vitaminsforyou, The Beasts of Eden, The Winks, Kinetic Stereokids, The Unbearables, Sam Shalabi, The Got to Get Got, Jason Sharp, Caroline Keating, Camphor, Entire Cities, The Paperbacks, The Ease Down, Shock Cinema
Hillside Festival 2003, day 2: Island Stage
Metric, Metric, Broken Social Scene, The Dears, Cindy Bullens, Kim Richey, Noah23, Jim Bryson, Kiran Ahluwalia, Veda Hille, Stacey Earle, Warsawpack, Kevin Hearn, The Miniatures, Oliver Schroer, Martin Tielli
Guelph Lake Island in Guelph, Wellington County, Ontario, Canada
Sat, 26 Jul 2003