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‌salvia palth

About ‌salvia palth

salvia palth is the project of Wellington-based New Zealander, Daniel Johann. Now releasing work under the name of Adore, 1996, and his own name, Johann gives feel to his music in lo-fi dream pop and ambiance with hints of hip hop and other genres.
The artist name ‘salvia palth’ is also a direct play upon words of the famous poet’s name Sylvia Plath. Plath’s poetry often also often introspective and lamenting on her mental state and references trying or important parts of her life, similar perhaps to themes in Johann’s work.

His original Bandcamp: https://salviapalth.bandcamp.com/
New Bandcamp: https://adore1996.bandcamp.com/

Johann describes his only salvia palth album on his Bandcamp as such:
‘melanchole is a collection of ambitious lo-fi pop songs recorded by daniel johann in the winter of 2012. these are songs that deal with the awkwardness of growing up, the pains of being apart, and the anxieties of being alive and real.’ – paralleled to Plath’s poetry, perhaps.