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Bringing you rock from the heartland: Champaign , Illinois.

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Guitar World
(photo from the Guitar World bit about Tim and Matt)


11 July 97 Everybody is going to LA on July 21 for mixing. There was a mixup with some Tour Dates. There will not be any shows until the record is done being mixed. So hang tight another couple months. I'm sure there will be some dates coming in soon!

13 June 97 Jason Lee put together a Hum Mailing list/discussion group for us, and it is up and running! Check out his intro page at . To join up, send subscribe HUM in the body of a mail message to . There is already a good crew on there. Join up and get briefed, or debriefed, or whichever one of those isn't gross or involving underwear.

11 May 97 New Stuff: There is a video clip that Tony Vegas made for Iron Clad Lou, which is on the Parasol Page. Check it out! The new Parasol Address is And here's a picture of Hum on Mtv playing stars which was swiped from the mtv site... I'm keeping a list of other HUM sites in the Links Page.

01 May 97 I went and hung out in the studio last weekend while they were recording. They seemed to be having a great time. They've tracked the basics on a bunch of songs and have started overdubs for a few of those. They're doing whatever feels right at the moment, without any firm structure. If they feel doing guitar overdubs, they do 'em. While I was there, Tim was laying down some 12 string acoustic stuff in the backdrop of "Dreamboat." Very subtle, very pretty. Matt said that they're almost done with "Coming Home," which is 2:30 long and "will rip your fucking head off!" Apparently, it's a real train wreck of a rocker. Other tunes that they've worked on: "Moss frog," "Innuit Promise," "Isle of the cheetah," "Apollo," and "Afternoon with the axolotyles," "If you are to bloom," and some that don't have names yet. There is even some buzz abour trying "Invisible Sun" in the studio. They're getting some great sounds, and they have tons of cool ideas. I can't wait for the release! When the CD comes out (01 October 97) they will finally go on tour. And it will probably be a pretty big tour, too, at least for them, because they're all home-bodies. Anyway, the best way for you to find out about it is right here on the webpage. All the info about tours and release dates and studio stories is forthcoming.
P.S. I heard that Electra2000 is out of print indefinitely. If you see it, buy it, because it may be REALLY hard to find soon.

16 Mar 97 Matt and I went to see Failure at the Metro in Chicago last weekend. It was a blast. The band totally kicks ass. The drummer, Kellii, was ruthless and relentless. Ken, as always put on an amazing show. Check this band out.

30 Jan 97 Tilt Works distributes posters, and they have exclusive distribution of some cool Kokik Posters, as well as Hess, etc. Check out Kozik's Hum poster, which is for sale.

Jan 97 Parasol Records has devoted a page in their updates catalog to all of the HUM merchandise, and related stuff that HUM fans might be interested in, including Fillet Show cassette tapes, HUM T-shirts, and maybe a collector's item Fillet Show CD (expensive, though). They also have our old MUD singles on a CD, called the Mud Puddle Playoffs. Check out the page or call them at 217.344.8609

On February 26, 96 the UK version of the Stars single was released on DEDICATED Records. Check out their supercool webpage and their HUM info. It is being released as a limited (500) vinyl 7" Stars b/w Boy with Sticks, and as a four song CD Single, with Stars, Boy with Sticks, Baby Baby, and the Stars radio edit. Now we're releasing The Pod in the UK, along with a song (Ms. Lazarus) that we recorded in Tim's Basement. It sounds pretty cool. Check it out! Get it from Parasol (217.344.8609) if you want to support local business or if you can't find it anywhere else.

HUM's booking guy, the honorable Tom Windish, is now in cahoots with the almighty Billions Corportation! The best of both worlds! Call him Tom Trillions! Club booking agents can contact him there. We'd love to come to your town.

Thanks to John Belmont for this picture from the POD video...

Filming for HUM's The Pod including full video phreeekshow courtesy of Andy Mueller took place out at Allerton Park here in Illinois, during an ice storm. It first aired on MTV's 120Minutes, Sunday night, March 4th. If you like the video, be sure to see the film The Evil Dead II. Demand the Pod from you favorite local radio station!

STARS off You'd Prefer an Astronaut... HUM enlisted the genius of Tony Vegas and the OHIO Girl, Co., to make their first video. (Check out this article about the video shoot from Addicted to Noise). Tony, who will not be bored with anyone's video concepts created the work secretly with Andy Mueller (who did the Pod video).

Hey, you. Yeah, you. Thanks for the support, and come back soon!

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Last modified 09 July 1997. Maintained by Gordon Pellegrinetti.
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