welcome Image

Title of the Band

Hello, and Welcome to the 'Official Beautiful South Web Site'. You will find within a whole host of things to do, from Real Audio samples, a full track listing, see and order from the full electronic merchandise catalogue, lists, record histories, gig reviews, listen to the latest sounds, meet the band with fun and games included and much much more.... To enter just simply click on the icon below...


This site has been created using the latest technological advances in Web page design & presentation. It is therefore necessary for you to use Version 2 or later versions of Netscape, ( or any other web browser capable of displaying frames and java script.) If you require a Netscape upgrade please click on the icon below to download the latest version of the software.

Entrance to netscape

This site also contains some Realaudio, so the plug-in for this is needed. It is not necessary to have the plug-in, it would simple mean you can only listen to the WAV files, but if you want to download the plug-in please use the link below.
Real Audio
