mc chris

creating rap

  • 254 members
  • 37 posts
  • $556.7/month

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$1 gets you access to my PATREON FEED w behind the scenes info like scans from my notebooks, polls and other interactive shit! know whats gonna be on an album a year before it comes out. 

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$5 dollars gets posts, commentaries and new music for free!
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you get access to the notebook, commentaries, new music and private discord server access!
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 / month
$25 gets you a dope af TSHIRT. black w white ink very punk rock. you also get the feed, the commentaries, the sneak peaks and the private discord server access!
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 / month
$50 gets you a dope ass HOODIE, the shirt, the koozie, the music, the glory! aaaaand you get GUEST LISTED at live shows.
dream warriors
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$100 gets you all that goodness plus a special thank you call from mc!

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mc chris

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