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Myles Cameron

About Myles Cameron

Myles Cameron is a singer/songwriter and suburban blackboy from the town of Rye in upstate New York.

Cameron originally began recording music early in high school after his passion for writing poetry and songs turned into a passion for creating music.

His biggest influence in music is Frank Ocean, whose debut album Channel Orange inspired a change in perspective on music and led him to start recording songs with friend and producer Frankis.

Cameron’s first mixtape– a ten month project titled everwanted– was released in monthly increments on Soundcloud, with the final track “dominoes” being uploaded in June, 2018.

Cameron’s second mixtape, Lonely Suburban Blackboy was released in May 2019.

Following the release of several singles, Cameron released another EP titled Black Sheep in early 2020.

After a one-year absence from creating music, Myles returned with a new single titled Summer ‘19 in July 2021.