
The Prize Fight

The Prize Fight


The Prize Fight formed in August of 2002, marked by the coming of the band’s official line up. Trying their best to gain a local following, the band worked extremely hard in order to promote the 5 song demo that they recorded before they had officially become The Prize Fight. Because of their extremely devoted work ethic, the band managed to play out nearly every weekend in both the Pennsylvania and the New Jersey scene. In December of the same year, the band caught the attention of up and coming label ECA Records. The timing could not have been more perfect for both groups. ECA shared the exact same work ethic The Prize Fight had, so another recording was immediately put into motion. By February of 2003, the band put out the “Words Don’t Mean Anything” ep. Though only 5 songs, the ep seemed to be very well liked, not only by kids in the PA/NJ scene, but by people all over the US. With the help of ECA Records and, The Prize Fight booked their first two US tours in the summer of 2003. Despite some serious van troubles, things had never been better. Touring and dealing with adversity brought the guys closer together than ever before. After the summer, the band returned to Pennsylvania so drummer-Ryan Zimmaro and bassist-Mike Coonan could finish up their senior year of high school. Because of money issues, as well as some other personal reasons, singer-Johnny Hunter, horn player-Dave Hagenbuch, and guitarists-Nick Margiotta and Bob Jones decided not to return to college in order to take care of their respective situations.

Members:Bob Jones (27)


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