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About Gloryhammer

Gloryhammer is a British symphonic power metal band founded by keyboardist Christopher Bowes, lead vocalist of the band Alestorm. Each member of the band represents a character in the story concept. The band appears on-stage in armour and costumes.

Current Line-up:
- Angus McFife XIII, Crown Prince of Fife: Voice Modulated Star Nucleus
- The Hootsman, Astral Demigod of Unst: Trans-Dimensional Subsonic Cluster
- Ralathor, Mysterious Submarine Commander of Cowdenbeath: Percussive Phi-Quason Battery
- Ser Proletius, Grand Master of the Deathknights of Crail: Dark Matter String Manipulation Interface
- Zargothrax, Dark Emperor of Dundee: Positronic Oscillator Command.