Dave Bixby is a singer, songwriter, and the leader of the Harbinger Orchestra.

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Festival De Músiques Disperses – Lleida, Spain

Dave Bixby most recently performed a solo musical set at the Festival De Músiques Disperses in Lleida, Spain on March 16th, 2024. It was a magical evening held at the Café del Teatre in the ancient Catalonian capital and an amazing experience for anyone present.…

AM Communications

Thank you, Montse Carreno of AM communications, for the thoughtful questions and research that went into them. You’re causing me to go down memory lane. I would like to address these questions in a short story. Flashback! Sunset on the beach in 1968, I dropped…

Ruta 66 Spain – Route 66 USA

I live on Route 66 in northern Arizona in the small mountain town of Williams, the gateway to the Grand Canyon. To Carlos Rego! Thank you for the very thoughtful questions. I would like to write a short story based on these questions. The endless…

Dave Bixby on Bandcamp