
Finally, a new song! Probably not going to be the last time it takes awhile. My apologies!


Apologies again for the wait. Drums are hard. The bad news is it seems unlikely I can keep the pace I used to have. The good news is I’ve gotten the production to a point where everything is as real as it can get. I’m micing real amp cabs and drums, so the only thing that is still synthetic is the orchestration (except the gong and the bell at the end, those are real). If I’m ever at a point in my life where doing this with a real orchestra would be possible, it would probably be years between tracks instead of months.

Two, down, nine to go!



New Song “Mountainwraith” kicks off Wintermountains Rise – FINALLY.

I’ll tell you all about why a little later in this post, but important things first:

Streaming | Download

Please bear in mind that mixing and mastering are subject to change. I don’t rule out re-doing the drums either, which brings me to the reason why it’s been so long since Winterhewn for me to become active again with music. It’s this:

Before this, the drums came from that gray keyboard on the bottom.
Forgive the wide-angle distortion in the image.
All miced up (overheads, reso snare, kick, and room mics are out of shot).

This drum stuff is not easy. I built this set in the late summer/fall of 2020, just as the Winterhewn album was finishing up. My time between then and now has been learning to play, capture, and produce this thing – which I am still doing. It’s one of the reasons I foresee a retake on drums – another being the tempo is a bit out of my comfort range. I’m much more confident at 110-140 bpm than at 90 and then later 80 bpm, which was this song.

I have no experience with drums before this.

It’s probably going to slow me down as far as album production for Appalachian Winter goes. I’m used to a little over a year between starting and finishing a full album. Wintermountains Rise is most likely going to be done mid-2023 at the earliest. I have eleven songs planned for this one, so that marks ten more to go.

Until the next song is done,


Winterhewn’s Official release is today, and physical copies are available.

Winterhewn, Appalachian Winter’s TENTH full album is here. If you enjoy the free downloads, well, that’s likely not the biggest news, but if you have a thing for physical copies, today’s the day those become available. You can get one here directly from Nine Gates Records.

As always you can stream and download .mp3-320 files for free. I know, you hear that from me all the time. But keep in mind those folks who have just found this music and are interested in it. I think it’s only fair that they should know as well. The whole discography is free to stream and download!

See you when I begin work with Wintermountains Rise!



“Shallow Are the Depths of Warmth” Completes Winterhewn.

I’ve made the decision to end production for this album at eight songs instead of my usual nine. This is only because of studio upgrades happening right now that require my attention, and it’s still resulting in an album over an hour in length. So don’t worry, this turn of events does not portend anything bad for Appalachian Winter.  I’ve still, even at now TEN full albums, got a lot left in me.  Hey, at one time I didn’t even think I’d make it past five of these things.


Downloads are consolidated into a .zip file for the whole album here.

I’ve started the discussion for a physical release with Nine Gates, and we have November 9 of this year as the day the album is official. I’ll be sure to let you know about pre-orders (should those happen) and I’ll put up a reminder on release day as well.

Jesus Christ. Ten albums. Twelve years. I started Appalachian Winter at the tender age of twenty-eight and now I’m a nose hair away from forty years. I guess many people would take this as an opportunity to go on about what they’ve learned or some lame shit like that. You know what I learned? If I changed this project’s name to “Appalling Wankery,” I could keep the fucking initials. What can I tell you – wisdom is a trophy hard-fought for.

As far as any new songs go, it may be awhile. These studio upgrades are no joke – they include a new computer and audio interface.

Be well, and see you whenever I post whatever song I have completed first for Wintermountains Rise! I’m already excited for that album.

A new song for the Winterhewn album, “Defy as Death Surrounds,” awaits your ears!

Here we go with another one!


Downloads are consolidated into a .zip file for the whole album here.

Streaming is Bandcamp only at the moment.  When the album is done, it’ll be up on the major streaming services (with the rest of Winterhewn) as soon as I can upload them.

Seven songs down, two left!  God, that feels good to say.  I can’t wait for this album to be done.  I won’t drop too many hints here, but not only will this album be something I feel quite worthy of pride, but I absolutely can’t wait for what’s coming after it!

Until the next song is done – stay well and healthy, my friends.  I’m cheering for you and us all together.



New song “Ice Heart” joins the Winterhewn album today!

I wish I could have done something with a more uplifting message during this nasty time where many folks are scared and suffering. But, it’s still six songs down and three more to go. I’m projecting a fall release date for this album at the latest, but we’ll see how things go.


Downloads are consolidated into a .zip file for the whole album here.

Be well, my friends.

