Annie Hardy

creating Music, Videos,

  • 282 posts

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Team Full Psycho
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For a mere dollar you get on Team Full Psycho as well as you'll be able to see all the content exclusively before it gets aired on FPTV episodes or goes public on YouTube. 

You're on the team, you're down. You're officially cooler than other people.

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Become a Producer!
For $5 you'll have your name listed as a producer on all the videos I make. How sick is that?!

Music videos or other videos where there are no credits won't feature your name but most videos will and thats going to be on there as something you helped create for all time!!!!

Demo's Club
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Become a private Lifeclass School Student where I will take you on as a client for my very own special brand of life coaching. You know what they say, those who can't, teach! I may seem to suck at life but I rule at objectively being able to see someone's true life path and helping them to access a higher purpose for living while opening up to the abundance and joy already present in their lives.  I am self-actualized, after all. Isn't that obnoxious?
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Executive Producer 
These incredible people are the execs here at FPTV ya see? Truly important, they get their very own longer clips of their solo or grouped in two's names on all the videos around here. Execs are encouraged to message back and forth with me to help mold and form FPTV! But if they're not into being that hands on that is okay too of course! 

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Annie Hardy

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