Blacktop Mojo

creating Rock and Roll

  • 76 members
  • 92 posts

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Tour Videos and Road Diary
 / month
Get access to videos of us in the studio making our records, as well as our back catalog of weekly videos from our past tours, highlights from the shows, load ins, soundchecks, radio interviews, and everything in between as we roll down the road. The videos won't be available to the public until on down the road, so hop in your bunk on the bus and feel like you're there!

*All Patrons will be included in the credits when videos are released to the public.*
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LIVE Performance Videos/Downloads
 / month
Get the behind the scenes studio videos, and access to all of the road diary videos from the past, along with an additional LIVE performance videos AND an EXCLUSIVE TO PATREON mp3 download of the song!  

*All Patrons will be included in the credits when the videos are released to the public.*

Recent posts by Blacktop Mojo

Blacktop Mojo

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