Past Grunge Events
See Also
1994 MTV Video Music Awards
Green Day, The Rolling Stones, The Smashing Pumpkins, Aerosmith, Snoop Dogg, Beastie Boys, Bruce Springsteen, Stone Temple Pilots, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Boyz II Men, Leningrad Cowboys, Академический ансамбль песни и пляски Российской Армии имени А. В. Александрова, Bobby King
Dour 1994
Blur, Tool, Pulp, dEUS, K’s Choice, Cranes, The Posies, Babes in Toyland, Rollins Band, Ozric Tentacles, Zebda, Terrorvision, Adorable, Arno, Massilia Sound System, No One Is Innocent, Consolidated, The Goats, Uzeda, Les Tambours du Bronx, Beverly Jo Scott
Plaine de la Machine à Feu in Dour, Hainaut, Wallonie, Belgium
Sat, 09 Jul 1994