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William Stuckey Similar Artists
Chocolate Snow
Leo's Sunshipp
Split Decision Band
Andre Gibson
Samuel Jonathan Johnson
Al Johnson
The Voices of East Harlem
Vernon Burch
Michael Boothman
Bright & Findlay
East Coast Love Affair
Greg Henderson
Lee Alfred
Aged in Harmony
Kellee Patterson
Archie Bell
Esther Williams
Wynd Chymes
Gloria Jay
Master Plan Inc
Starship Orchestra
Ike White
Evans Pyramid
Mighty Ryeders
Sun Palace
Tom Brock
Fonzi Thornton
Tommy Stewart
The True Loves
Gloria Barnes
Tomorrow's People
Stephen Encinas
Ronnie McNeir
The Counts
Arnie Love
Windy City
Vance and Suzzanne
The Valentine Brothers
The Modulations
Garfield Fleming
Funk Factory
Carolyn Franklin
Timeless Legend
Ike Turner & The Kings of Rhythm
The Black on White Affair
Kool Blues
Eugene Record
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