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Westminster Williamson Voices Similar Artists
James Whitbourn
Francesco Soriano
Jacobus Gallus
Giovanni Battista Martini
Théodore Dubois
Dominican House of Studies
The Chapel Choir of Pembroke College, Cambridge
Arsys Bourgogne
Kim André Arnesen
Nova Schola Gregoriana
Choir of Beirut
English Symphony Orchestra
The John Alldis Choir
Lege Artis Chamber Choir
Stirps Iesse
CantArte Regensburg
The Schola Cantorum of St. Peter's in the Loop
Choirs of Annunciation Byzantine Catholic Church
Schola Gregoriana Mediolanensis
Cantores in Ecclesia
Los Romeros
Antonio Lotti
Jeffrey Biegel
Cantori Gregoriani
Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles
Harpa Dei
Øystein Baadsvik
Schola Antiqua
John Ireland
William Croft
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