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Vessie Simmons Similar Artists
Don Raye
Hank Jacobs
Walter Jackson
Tami Lynn
The Mirettes
Pat Lewis
Steve Mancha
The Artistics
Willie Tee
Gwen Owens
Danny Monday
Lou Courtney
J.J. Barnes
Ty Karim
The Radiants
Richard Temple
Jeff Perry
Bobby Sheen
Ruby Andrews
Sandra Phillips
Cindy Scott
Tony Clarke
Dean Parrish
Lorraine Chandler
Vivian Reed
Billy Butler
James Walsh Gypsy Band
Emanuel Laskey
Jimmy Radcliffe
The Casualeers
Chuck Wood
Doni Burdick
Soul Brothers Six
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Bobby Garrett
Pete Warner
Homer Banks
Yvonne Baker
Epitome of Sound
Tony Middleton
Larry Williams & Johnny Watson
Bobby Paris
Shane Martin
Harold Melvin
Lou Ragland
Tobi Lark
The Servicemen
Theola Kilgore
Eloise Laws
Phillip Mitchell
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