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Tunnel of Love Similar Artists
Mark Sultan
Goodnight Loving
The Revelators
Sex Church
The Daily Void
The Buff Medways
The Screws
Bad Sports
The Electric Bunnies
The Time Flys
The Little Killers
The Makers
Gibson Bros.
Sonic Chicken 4
The Devil Dogs
The Chesterfield Kings
Nothing People
Puffy Areolas
The Woggles
The Two Tears
The Persuaders
Brimstone Howl
Mondo Topless
The Black Jaspers
Useless Eaters
Bare Wires
Charlie and the Moonhearts
The Hipshakes
Heavy Times
Woven Bones
Thee Vicars
Jack-O and The Tennessee Tearjerkers
The Yolks
The Deadly Snakes
Rayon Beach
The Intellectuals
Nerve City
The Gruesomes
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