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The Revlons Similar Artists
The Apollas
Sag War Fare
The Cinderellas
The Blossoms
Famous L. Renfroe
The Royalettes
Hal Galper
Sugar And Spice
Armin Jordan
The Rev-Lons
The Jewels
The Pearls
Donna Lynn
The Honeys
The Girlfriends
The Murmaids
The Dolls
Jonathan Something
Kenton Nix
The Jelly Beans
Don Bruce and The Angels
Claudine Clark
Lee ‘Shot’ Williams
Reparata & The Delrons
Ginny Arnell
The Four J’s
The Ribbons
Ellie Greenwich
Charlie Hilton
The Breakaways
April Young
The Butterflys
Ruby Johnson
Dorothy Berry
Kari Lynn
The Blades of Grass
The Kolettes
The Goodies!
Tracey Dey
The Chandlers
Cathy Saint
Diane Renay
Aquiles Navarro
Tammi and The Bachelors
Marta Acuna
The Jaynetts
Robin Clark
The Fabulettes
Rain Drops
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