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The Packers Similar Artists
Alvin Cash & The Crawlers
Sandy Wynns
Bob Brady & the Con Chords
Fred Hughes
Rodger Collins
Nella Dodds
The Incredibles
Bob Relf
The Fascinations
Candy & the Kisses
Shirley Nanette
Tina Britt
Bob Verwilst
Bobby Moore
Cliff Nobles & Co.
Vernon Garrett
Herb Ward
Roscoe Robinson
Brooks O’Dell
Jerry Jackson
The Precisions
Sue Lynne
Joy Lovejoy
Fred Williams
Mamie Galore
Alvin Cash
Inez & Charlie Foxx
Little Jerry Williams
The Ideals
Percy Wiggins
Cody Black
Ricky Allen
Eddy Senay
Sidney Barnes
Mel Williams
The Vontastics
The Triumphs
Lenny Curtis
Earl Van Dyke & The Motown Brass
Lou Courtney
George Tindley
Jimmy Conwell
Spyder Turner
Darrow Fletcher
Billy Prophet
Wade Flemons
Tommy Neal
The Hideaways
The Esquires
Stanley Mitchell
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