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The Mel‐Tones Similar Artists
The Woodies
Miles Corbin
The Original Surfaris
The Tiki Tones
Atomic Mosquitos
The Surfmen
The Torquays
The Volcanos
Hawaii Samurai
SpongeBob and The Losers
The Vara-tones
The Space Cossacks
The Aqua Velvets
Hans Ehrlinger
The Eliminators
Otto Sieben
Gordon Mills
The Dutch National Folk and Dance Orchestra
Bobby Black
Eddie & the Showmen
The Super Stocks
The Bel-Airs
Insect Surfers
The Fathoms
The Pyronauts
The Surftones
The Surfites
The Royal Coachmen
Guy Fletcher
The Fantastic Baggys
Gil Flat
The Surf Trio
Paul Fenoulhet
Kapono Beamer
Ronny & the Daytonas
The Hawaiians
The Madeira
Juan Erlando and his Latin Band
Pollo Del Mar
Frederic Bayco
The Long Boards
The Kilaueas
The Nematoads
Alan Braden
Fender IV
The Surf Raiders
The Verbtones
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