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The Emperors Similar Artists
Downliners Sect
The Fabulous Playboys
The Chessmen
The Masonics
The Satans
The Dovers
The Lyrics
The Syndicate of Sound
The Bold
Stereophonic Space Sound Unlimited
The Lollipop Shoppe
The Swanks
Mouse and the Traps
Rocky & the Riddlers
Velvet Illusions
MG & The Escorts
The Gamblers
The Parting Gifts
The Citations
The Chesterfield Kings
The Magic Plants
The Gestures
The Canadian Rogues
The Novas
Los York’s
Wau y los Arrrghs!!!
The Blue Things
The Del‐Vetts
Nobody's Children
Kenny & The Kasuals
The Ugly Ducklings
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