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The Cruisers Similar Artists
Lloyd Arnold
Jimmy Pritchett
The Lonesome Drifter
Darrell Rhodes
Benny Joy
Dwight Pullen
Bill Sherrell
Royce Porter
LaFayette Yarborough
The Johnny Burnette Rock 'N' Roll Trio
Glen Glenn
Pep Torres
Vernon Taylor
Bobby Roberts
Curtis Gordon
Narvel Felts
Johnny Carroll
Terry Donovan
Danny Verne
The Jodimars
Ronnie Self
Curtis Johnson
Sleepy LaBeef
Warren Smith
Crazy Cavan ’n’ the Rhythm Rockers
Bob Luman
Jimmy Wages
Tommy Spurlin
Billy Lee Riley
Carl Mann
Art Adams
Johnny Burnette
Tracy Pendarvis
Ersel Hickey
Sonny Fisher
Mickey Hawks
Sammy Masters
Terry Noland
Gene Wyatt
The String Kings
Barbara Pittman
Hank Mizell
Ronnie Allen
Jimmy Lloyd
Carl Perkins
Danny Wolfe
Ric Cartey
Roy Moss
Hoyt Johnson
Sonny West
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