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The Combinations Similar Artists
LaBrenda Ben
Freddie Gorman
Little Iva & Her Band
Yvonne Baker
Rita & The Tiaras
Royal Esquires
The M.V.P.’s
Eugene Remus
Lorraine Chandler
The Carstairs
Linda Griner
Bob Brady & the Con Chords
Jimmy Radcliffe
Soul Creation
Nelson Sanders
Sandi Sheldon
Joy Lovejoy
Tony Clarke
Chuck Wood
The Nightimers
Billy Butler
Calvin Cooke
Dean Parrish
Bobby Cook & The Explosions
The Rollers
Bobby Angelle
Billy Watkins
Lou Ragland
The Gospel Supremes
Pearl Dowell
Deliverance Echoes
Kenny Carvajal
Josh Milan
Bobby Paris
Don Thomas
Apostles of Music
The Casualeers
Marlon D
Al Williams
Mamie Galore
The Palace Guards
The Performers
Coleman Family
Epitome of Sound
The Apollas
Soul Brothers Six
Barbara Banks
Deanie Parker
The Invitations
Ty Karim
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