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Ted Ford Similar Artists
Jackey Beavers
Lucky Laws
Fred Hughes
Sam Fletcher
The Ringleaders
The Admirations
Jamo Thomas
Don Thomas
Yvonne Baker
Liz Lands
Alvin Cash & The Registers
The Fascinations
The Invitations
Lorraine Chandler
Rose Batiste
J.J. Barnes
Bobby Sheen
Ila Vann
Tony Clarke
The Carstairs
Ray Pollard
Jimmy Radcliffe
Chuck Wood
The Casualeers
Sandi Sheldon
Billy Butler
Alexander Patton
Dean Parrish
The Formations
Epitome of Sound
Tobi Legend
Bobby Paris
Shane Martin
Roscoe Robinson
Barbara West
Joy Lovejoy
Moses & Joshua Dillard
The Apollas
Lou Ragland
Laura Greene
Dean Courtney
Cindy Scott
Bobby Garrett
The Showmen
The M.V.P.’s
Dana Valery
Curtis Blandon
Timmy Willis
Melvin Davis
The Sweet Things
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