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Sweet Jean Similar Artists
Pocket Panda
Rosie Catalano
Scowlin Owl
Alison May
Sam Buckingham
Melody Pool
Broken Fences
Teeth & Tongue
The Dwells
Simon Herron
The Young Folk
Steve Smyth
The Orbweavers
Tinpan Orange
The Jepettos
The Tambourine Girls
Pat LePoidevin
The Trouble With Templeton
Blessed Feathers
The Ocean Party
Rosie and Me
Dyson Stringer Cloher
Kayleigh Goldsworthy
India Bourne
Al Lewis
Small Houses
Basement Birds
Glenn Richards
Alice Skye
Folly and the Hunter
Tony Dekker
Sweet Whirl
Owls of the Swamp
All Our Exes Live in Texas
Dead Letter Chorus
Robin Pahlman
Mike Noga
Alana Henderson
The Tiger & Me
Grand Salvo
The Wilderness of Manitoba
Sally Seltmann
Bones and Jones
Tigers on Trains
Custom Kings
The Melodic
Rand and Holland
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