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Stick McGhee & His Buddies Similar Artists
Stick McGhee
Joe Liggins and His Honeydrippers
Tiny Grimes
Jimmy Liggins & His Drops of Joy
Joe Liggins
Bull Moose Jackson
Dave Bartholomew
Tiny Bradshaw
Jimmy Liggins
Calvin Boze
Roy Milton
Young Jessie
Tiny Grimes Quintet
Annisteen Allen
The Treniers
Wynona Carr
Little Junior’s Blue Flames
Johnny Moore’s Three Blazers
Paul Gayten
Eddie “Cleanhead” Vinson
Big John Greer
Ann Cole
Julia Lee
Albinia Jones
H‐Bomb Ferguson
Frank Culley
Saunders King
Alvin Robinson
The Johnny Otis Show
Joe Houston
Buddy Johnson and His Orchestra
Oscar McLollie & His Honey Jumpers
The Cardinals
Joe Morris
Jimmy Preston
The Big Three Trio
Tommy Ridgley
Willis Jackson
Billy “The Kid” Emerson
The Cadets
Jackie Brenston & His Delta Cats
Wild Bill Moore
Frankie Lee Sims
Roy Montrell
Nappy Brown
Willie Tee
Papa Lightfoot
Faye Adams
Paula Watson
Dr. Horse
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