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Small Paul Similar Artists
Sheila Jack
La Fonda
Spirit Award
Ronnie Whitehead
Michael Liggins
Mae Young
Freda Gray & The Rocketeers
Linda Balintine
L. Hollis & The Mackadoos
The Kaldirons
Soul President
Krystal Generation
The Soul Blenders
Grand Prix’s
Tokay Lewis
Elijah & the Ebonites
Ms. Tyree “Sugar” Jones
The Majestic Arrows
The Moovers
TV Star
Royal Esquires
Velma Perkins
Eula Cooper
OFS Unlimited
Eddie Ray
Nathan Wilkes
Josephine Taylor
Bob & Fred
Kool Blues
Annette Poindexter
Bill Moss
Tee Fletcher
Altyrone Deno Brown
Renaldo Domino
Smokey Brights
Johnny Davis
Frankie & Robert
Soul Ensemble
Chuck Wilder
Schiller Street Gang
Dream Sitch
Young Divines
The Rollers
J.J. Jones
The Moondoggies
Edd Henry
Nasty Dog Catchers
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