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Saunders King Similar Artists
Cleo Brown
Swagger Jax
Trixie Smith
Buddy Johnson
Young Jessie
Roy Milton
Johnny Moore’s Three Blazers
Joe Venuti's Blue Six
Horace Henderson
Joe Liggins
Julia Lee
Johnny Fuller
Joe Lutcher
Big John Greer
King Perry
Gene Phillips
Jimmy Liggins
H‐Bomb Ferguson
Dave Bartholomew
Mary Ann Fisher
Jimmy Wilson
Calvin Boze
Tiny Bradshaw
Betty James
Bull Moose Jackson
The Treniers
Billy Gayles
Crown Prince Waterford
Paul Gayten
Clarence Williams
Lil Johnson
Rex Stewart
Blue Lu Barker
Little Willie Littlefield
Buddy Johnson and His Orchestra
Frankie Lee Sims
Annisteen Allen
Lafayette Thomas
Lloyd Glenn
Terry Timmons
Roy Gaines
Billy “The Kid” Emerson
Andy Kirk and His Twelve Clouds of Joy
Ann Cole
Eddie “Cleanhead” Vinson
Dorothy Ellis
Amos Milburn
Joe Liggins and His Honeydrippers
Nappy Brown
Billy Wright
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