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Oscar McLollie & His Honey Jumpers Similar Artists
Big John Greer
Jimmy Liggins & His Drops of Joy
Roy Milton
The Treniers
Johnny Moore’s Three Blazers
Bull Moose Jackson
Gene Phillips
Young Jessie
Dolly Cooper
Ann Cole
Wynona Carr
The Cues
King Perry
Gatemouth Moore
Roy Montrell
Felix Gross
Calvin Boze
Annisteen Allen
Tiny Topsy
Screamin’ Joe Neal
Joe Houston
Tiny Bradshaw
Billy “The Kid” Emerson
Barrence Whitfield and the Savages
Joe Lutcher
Nappy Brown
Julia Lee
Jerry Clayton
The Hawketts
Jackie Brenston & His Delta Cats
Little Junior’s Blue Flames
Faye Adams
The Lamplighters
Christine Kittrell
Barry Richards
Stick McGhee
Dave Bartholomew
Chuck Blevins
The Harmony Grits
Tommy Ridgley
The Cameos
Willie Mabon
Laura B & The Moonlighters
Johnny Fuller
Little Joey Farr
Marlene Paul
Lula Reed
The Prisonaires
The Coolbreezers
The Johnny Otis Show
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