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Marvin "Sweet Louie" Smith Similar Artists
The Artistics
Jimmy Conwell
The Fascinations
Judy Freeman
Rose Batiste
Nolan Chance
Billy Butler
Willie Kendrick
Fred Hughes
Sam Ward
Herb Ward
Adam’s Apples
The Invitations
Doni Burdick
Otis Leavill
Nella Dodds
Roscoe Robinson
Lorraine Chandler
The Devonnes
Clifford Curry
Bobby Sheen
The Seven Souls
Laura Greene
Curtis Blandon
Gerri Granger
The Van Dykes
Otis Smith
Morris Chestnut
Sandi Sheldon
Moses Smith
Larry Williams & Johnny Watson
Tobi Legend
Jackey Beavers
Bill Bush
Jack Montgomery
The Carstairs
Dean Parrish
The Spellbinders
Billy Thompson
Kenny Carter
Dean Courtney
John Gary Williams
The Incredibles
Shane Martin
Beverley Ann
Alexander Patton
The Charmaines
Bob Brady & the Con Chords
Bobby Paris
Susan Barrett
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