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Martha Starr Similar Artists
Emanuel Laskey
Billy Kennedy
Steve Mancha
Doni Burdick
Jimmy Conwell
The Fi-Dells
Bob Relf
Rose Batiste
The Sherrys
James Bounty
Melvin Davis
Epitome of Sound
Connie Clark
Sam Ward
The Furys
Richard Temple
J.J. Barnes
Jimmy Thomas
George Blackwell
The Invitations
Bobby Garrett
The Incredibles
Ray Pollard
Fred Hughes
Pat Lewis
Herb Ward
Ronnie & Robyn
Jackie Lee
Lorraine Chandler
The Mirettes
Bob Brady & the Con Chords
Cindy Scott
Larry Williams & Johnny Watson
The Servicemen
Ty Karim
The Casualeers
Billy Prophet
Gwen Owens
Yvonne Baker
Sandi Sheldon
Jackey Beavers
Shirley & The Shirelles
Bobby Paris
Tobi Legend
Johnny Caswell
Willie Kendrick
The Formations
The Parliaments
Edward Hamilton
Dean Parrish
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