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Little Victor Similar Artists
Young Jessie
Walking Wounded
Billy “The Kid” Emerson
Billy Lamont
Rose Mitchell
Billy Gayles
Barrence Whitfield and the Savages
Billy Love
The Prisonaires
Roy Milton
Laura B & The Moonlighters
Oscar McLollie
Jimmy Nolen
The Johnny Otis Show
Nappy Brown
Little Junior’s Blue Flames
Tiny Bradshaw
Fluffy Hunter
The Jaguars
The Larks
Ann Cole
The Jodimars
Los Salvajes
Joe Houston
Boots Brown
Corky Jones
Charles Mann
Jolly Green Giants
Cherry Casino and the Gamblers
Jack Rabbit Slim
Tyrone Schmidling
Nick Curran and The Nitelifes
Bob Vidone and the Rhythm Rockers
Benny Joy
The Juke Joint Pimps
King Salami and The Cumberland Three
The Readymen
The Urban Voodoo Machine
Nick Curran and The Lowlifes
Scotty McKay
Arsen Roulette
Ron Haydock and the Boppers
Wayne Walker
Mike Sanchez
Gene Summer
Elton Anderson
The Montesas
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