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Little Rose Little Similar Artists
Betty Barney
87th Off Broadway
Jerry Cook
Barbara Banks
Chet Ivey
The Pazant Brothers
Honey & the Bees
Betty Moorer
Anna King
The Persians
Albert Washington
Wally Cox
Gloria Ann Taylor
Tommie Young
Homer Banks
Donald Height
Patrice Holloway
Alexander Patton
Ray Pollard
Larry Banks
Larry Williams & Johnny Watson
Margie Hendrix
Bobby Sheen
Otis Leavill
Alder Ray
Marva Josie
Debbie Taylor
The Devonnes
The Hesitations
Theresa Lindsey
Benny Gordon
Billy Prophet
Lainie Hill
Tina Britt
Elsie Mae
Johnny Wyatt
The Showmen
Patti Jo
The Reasons
Marie Knight
Tony Clarke
Cindy Scott
The Casualeers
Tami Lynn
Joey Dee
Judy Street
Kim Tolliver
Theola Kilgore
J.J. Barnes
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