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Left Hand Frank Similar Artists
Enrico Crivellaro
Eddie Shaw
Fruteland Jackson
Sonny Ellis
Alex Maryol
Long John Hunter
Johnny Jones
Lurrie Bell
Deitra Farr
Lil’ Ed & the Blues Imperials
Hazy Malaze
Michael Messer
Betsy Olson
Jimmy Johnson
Johnny "Big Moose" Walker
Mary Flower
Little Charlie & the Nightcats
Carey Bell's Blues Harp Band
Queen Sylvia Embry
Steve Carlson
Johnny Dickinson
Eddie Martin Band
Eddy Clearwater
Howling Diablos
Lovie Lee
Magic Slim and the Teardrops
A.C. Reed
Robert Lockwood, Jr.
Tutu Jones
Melanie Mason
Lacy Gibson
John Primer
Gaye Adegbalola
Andrew Tibbs
Detroit Junior
Sons of the Delta
Snooky Pryor
Andrew Brown
Lefty Dizz
Maurice John Vaughn
Eddie Shaw & The Wolf Gang
Paul Geremia
William Clarke
The Siegel‐Schwall Band
Aron Burton
Dave Kelly
Eddie Taylor
Smokin’ Joe Kubek
W.C. Clark
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