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Jimmy Parkinson Similar Artists
Ricky Valance
Gary Miller
Tommy Sands
Malcolm Yelvington
Cathy Carr
Ruby Wright Wells
Robin Luke
Eddie Bond
Marvin Rainwater
Jess Conrad
Carl Mann
Lee Andrews & the Hearts
Ned Miller
Don Woody
Ronnie Aldrich
Glen Glenn
Donnie Brooks
Adam Wade
Ray Harris
Shep & the Limelites
Maureen Evans
Ronnie Self
Johnnie & Joe
The Impalas
Alan Dale
Johnny Carroll
The Fiestas
Roy Hall
Joe Clay
Sal Mineo
The Hollywood Argyles
Donald Peers
Muriel Smith
The El Dorados
Don & Juan
Floyd Robinson
Art & Dotty Todd
Archie Bleyer
Morris Stoloff
Emile Ford
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