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Jimmy Caravan Similar Artists
Benny Gordon
Truman Thomas
Jerome Richardson
The Fame Gang
Tina Britt
The Soulful Strings
Don Randi Trio
Bobby Bryant
Soul Toronados
Hank Marr
Trinidad Oil Company
Joe Frazier
Prime Mates
Chuck Carbo
Mary Jane Hooper
The Four Instants
Victor Feldman
Gene Ludwig
The TMGs
Lou Courtney
The Rubaiyats
Paul Nero
Rex Garvin & The Mighty Cravers
Clarence Wheeler & the Enforcers
Louis Chachere
Brothers of Hope
The Golden Toadstools
Ray Terrace
Gerald Wilson
Tony Newman
The Explosions
Wynder K. Frog
Earl Van Dyke
Diamond Joe
The Overton Berry Trio
Memphis Black
Warren Lee
Johnny Jones & The King Casuals
Dave Lewis
James Rivers
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