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James Wells Similar Artists
The Fantastic Four
Shane Martin
Willie Tee
Father’s Angels
Herbie Goins
The Performers
Ray Pollard
Susan Barrett
Barbara McNair
Bob Verwilst
Tasha Thomas
Billy Butler
Danny Wagner & The Kindred Soul
James Bounty
Willie Kendrick
Billy Prophet
Lou Ragland
Jackie Lee
Bob Relf
John E. Paul
The Incredibles
Beverley Ann
The Invitations
Tony Middleton
Rita & The Tiaras
The Valadiers
Eloise Laws
Moses & Joshua Dillard
Sheila Anthony
Honey Townsend
Micky Moonshine
Clifford Curry
The Andantes
Rodger Collins
Edward Hamilton
Morris Chestnut
The Showmen
Clydie King
Virgil Henry
Bob Kuban and the In‐Men
Sandra Phillips
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