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James Barnett Similar Artists
The Fi-Dells
Rose Batiste
Garland Green
Lenis Guess
Barbara Mercer
Herb Ward
Mamie Galore
Billy Prophet
Darrow Fletcher
Lou Ragland
Barbara & Brenda
Bobby Reed
The Vontastics
The Mylestones
Wade Flemons
Freddie Gorman
Sam Fletcher
The Fascinations
Clifford Curry
Otis Leavill
The Minits
George Tindley
Gwen Owens
Mel Williams
Tommy Hunt
George Blackwell
Sandi Sheldon
Bobby McClure
Joy Lovejoy
Bob Brady & the Con Chords
Spyder Turner
Timothy Wilson
Bobby Patterson
Larry Williams & Johnny Watson
Johnny Sayles
Linda Griner
Cindy Scott
Earl Van Dyke & The Motown Brass
Sidney Barnes
Ruby Andrews
Clay Hammond
Bobby Paris
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