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DROOGS Similar Artists
The Other Half
The Come Ons
The Buff Medways
The Rare Breed
The Revelators
The Groupies
The Ugly Ducklings
Missing Links
The Revellions
Interstellar Overdrive
The Morticians
Chrome Cranks
The Wheels
The Satelliters
Demolition Doll Rods
The Factory
The Bluestars
The Wildebeests
The Trolls
The Balloon Farm
The Hentchmen
The Tamrons
Jack-O and The Tennessee Tearjerkers
Opus 1
Nova Mob
The Humane Society
The Novas
The Makers
The Senders
The Mojomatics
The Forty-Fives
Clefs of Lavender Hill
The Boss Martians
Dim Stars
Bantam Rooster
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