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Claude Huey Similar Artists
Unique Blend
Johnny Wyatt
Pat Powdrill
Clifford Curry
The Joytones
Bobby Treetop
Homer Banks
Rose Batiste
Bobby Sheen
The Intrigues
Reggie Garner
George Kirby
The Carstairs
Rodger Collins
Alexander Patton
Billy Prophet
The Invitations
J.J. Barnes
Epitome of Sound
Sandi Sheldon
Barbara & Brenda
Doni Burdick
Larry Williams & Johnny Watson
Bobby Paris
Jimmy Mack
Ray Pollard
Tony Clarke
Richard Temple
Ronnie & Robyn
The Incredibles
Dean Parrish
Herb Ward
Timothy Wilson
Soul Brothers Six
Dean Courtney
Gerri Granger
Rufus Lumley
The Servicemen
Lorraine Chandler
Lou Ragland
Billy Butler
Chuck Wood
Bobbi Lynn
The Artistics
Father’s Angels
Curtis Blandon
Cindy Scott
Moses & Joshua Dillard
Adam’s Apples
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