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Brian Gulland Similar Artists
Frederic Bayco
Paul Fenoulhet
Schooner Fare
Cecil Milner
Jack Strachey
Wellington Sea Shanty Society
Frederic Curzon
molly ofgeography
The Woodies
Hans Ehrlinger
Alan Braden
The Skullduggers
The Mel‐Tones
Juan Erlando and his Latin Band
The Seadogs
The Dutch National Folk and Dance Orchestra
Bobby Black
Salt Sea Pirates
Paddy Kingsland
Otto Sieben
Gordon Mills
Heimo Rhonda
Kapono Beamer
Ralph Dollimore
Jerry Bryant
John Shakespeare
Van Phillips
Stephen Wade
The Sheringham Shantymen
Guy Fletcher
Ian Giles
Gil Flat
Jack Beaver
Ernest Tomlinson
NDR Bigband
The Revels Chorus
Len Stevens
Graham Preskett
A. L. Lloyd
Salty Dick
Musical Blades
Lionel Wendling
Jane Archer and the Reactionaries
Jack Coles
Ellen S. Cohn
Stuart M. Frank
Jan Rap
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