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Big John Greer Similar Artists
Oscar McLollie & His Honey Jumpers
Jimmy Liggins & His Drops of Joy
Sugar Chile Robinson
Roy Milton
Peppermint Harris
Calvin Boze
Bull Moose Jackson
Oscar McLollie
Jimmy Liggins
Annisteen Allen
Tiny Bradshaw
Young Jessie
H‐Bomb Ferguson
The Treniers
Nappy Brown
Julia Lee
Dave Bartholomew
Melvin Smith
Gatemouth Moore
Faye Adams
Frankie Lee Sims
Joe Liggins
Paul Gayten
Titus Turner
King Perry
Cecil Gant
Tommy Ridgley
Johnny Moore’s Three Blazers
Ann Cole
Eddie “Cleanhead” Vinson
Billy “The Kid” Emerson
Ralph Willis
The “5” Royales
Lula Reed
Joe Houston
Linda Hayes
Lloyd Glenn
Barrence Whitfield and the Savages
Al Garris
King Coleman
Mojo Watson
Saunders King
Stick McGhee
Buddy Johnson
Johnny Fuller
Piano Red
Screamin’ Joe Neal
Paula Watson
Roy Gaines
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