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Big George Brock Similar Artists
Tail Dragger
Willie Kent
Snooky Pryor
Byther Smith
Little Mack Simmons
Mississippi Heat
Johnny Dyer
Dennis Gruenling
Magic Slim and the Teardrops
Eddy Clearwater
Carey Bell's Blues Harp Band
Bob Margolin
Mark Hummel
Jimmy Burns
William Clarke
Little Charlie & the Nightcats
Louisiana Red
Lil’ Ed & the Blues Imperials
Johnny Laws
George “Wild Child” Butler
Smokey Wilson
Carey & Lurrie Bell
Lurrie Bell
Kim Wilson
Andrew Brown
Rod Piazza & The Mighty Flyers
John Primer
James Harman
Grady Champion
Paul Butterfield
Eddie Taylor
Raful Neal
Homesick James
Hip Linkchain
Johnny B. Moore
Robert Nighthawk
J.B. Hutto
Sugar Blue
Gary Primich
Paul deLay
Charlie Sayles
Cephas & Wiggins
Big John Wrencher
Billy Branch
Bonnie Lee
Larry Garner
Jerry Portnoy
Jerry “Boogie” McCain
Eddie Shaw & The Wolf Gang
Carlos del Junco
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